Past Conferences
2019: Seventeenth Conference: “Time in Variance”; Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, United States; June 23–29. Founder’s Lecture: David Wood. “Is Time Out of Joint? Or at a New Threshold? (Reflections on the Temporality of Climate Change).”
2016: Sixteenth Conference: “Time’s Urgency”; University of Edinburgh, UK; June 26-July 2. Founder’s Lecture: Julian Barbour (presented by David Sloan). “The Origin of Time.”
2013: Fifteenth Conference: “Time and Trace”; Orthodox Academy of Crete, Greece; June 30-July 6.
2010: Fourteenth Conference: “Time: Origins and Futures”; El Establo Conference Center, Monteverde, Costa Rica. July 25–31.
2007: Thirteenth Conference: “Time: Limits and Constraints”; Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, United States; July 28-August 3.
2004: Twelfth Conference: “Time and Memory”; Clare College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; July 25–31.
2001: Eleventh Conference: “Time and Uncertainty”; Castello di Gargonza, Monte San Savino, Italy; July 1–7.
1998: Tenth Conference: “Time at the Millenium: Changes and Continuities”; Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Germany; July 5–11.
1995: Ninth Conference: “Time, Order, Chaos”; Saint-Adèle, Québec, Canada; July 2–8.
1992: Eighth Conference: “Dimensions of Time and Life”; Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle, France; July 3–9.
1989: Seventh Conference: “Time and Process: Interdisciplinary Issues”; Glacier Park Lodge, Glacier National Park, United States; July 9–15.
1986: Sixth Conference: “Time and Mind”; Dartington Hall College, Totnes, England; July 4–11.
1983: Fifth Conference: “Time, Science, and Society in China and the West”; Castello di Gargonza, Monte San Savino, Italy; July 3–9.
1979: Fourth Conference: “Beginnings and Endings”; Alpbach, Austria; July 1–10.
1976: Third Conference: Alpbach, Austria; July 1–10.
1973: Second Conference: Lake Yamanaka, Japan; July 3–8.
1969: First Conference: Mathematisches Forschunginstitut, Oberwolfach, Federal Republic of Germany; August 31-September 6.